Cheryl Clark

Cheryl Clark
Clark Strategies
Phone: 647-852-1154

I thought I did – I think I do – I may have – Let me explain!

February 2024 till September 2024 – I DID!

Let me share what that looked like for me.

Every month, in this 8-month span, I set 8 goals.  8 was the magic number because of the infinity symbol – just so you see the reasoning behind the number 8. 

These goals were a mix of business (2 businesses) and personal goals.  I must admit I was MUCH better at setting the business goals rather than the personal goals.  Funny, I knew what I wanted to achieve for the business adventures yet for me personally – it wasn’t that I didn’t know what I wanted to achieve it was more about did I want to put the effort out to achieve it.  Something to think about there!

I took these 8 monthly goals and made a cute 4 x 4 graphic to go with each of them, printed these graphics and taped them to the headboard of my bed!  Yes, I sure did!

I also created a specific binder/journal system for these goals.  At the beginning of every month, I would open to a new page, and I’d draw my infinity symbol.  Then I would use some colored pencils and put some strong words of empowerment around the infinity symbol like ‘abundance’, ‘powerful’, ‘wealth’.   Finally, after all of this – I’d list all 8 of my goals out!

At the end of the month I’d go back and review what goals I had accomplished, what that accomplishment took and or looked like and if I did not hit the complete goal, I’d share what percentage I did manage to attain! 
Then I would start the creative process all over again!

Before I give you the data of the outcome of the above system – in October, November and December – I stopped this process?  Why?  I am not sure to be honest!   I think maybe it’s because I was starting to pile up what I had NOT accomplished or completed versus what I had accomplished!   You see every month I started over – 8 new goals.  Why?  Because I didn’t want to just carry the same goals over month after month.  It meant the goals had a deadline – in some sense.  NOW don’t get me wrong – There are some of the goals I hit months after I had originally set them and I dang well included them in this magical goal book as being completed but after the target date – so I was still chasing them, just not looking at them.

At the time of this blog….

64 goals total

27 goals 100% completed!

37 goals not completed!


Am I proud? 

I am proud of the 27 I accomplished and checked off!   There were some big ones there for me professionally.

Am I disappointed? 

I’m not so much disappointed in what I didn’t attain because 8 goals a month was a LOT – and I have to admit this was the very first time in my life that I could say I was a ‘monthly goal setter’.  I am more disappointed that I didn’t stay consistent in the process.  I know and preach that is where the magic is!

So – 2025 – bring it on!

This year I am going to set 6 goals a month!

Why 6?  I turn 60 this year.  That is the original reason!  However, I just Googled the magic of the #6 and well….  Google shared that 6 is said to be the PERFECT Number!

What Does 6 Mean Spiritually? Spiritually, the angel number 6 can mean that you need to balance your material and physical life with your inner emotional, and spiritual life. It’s also a number that invites us to nurture empathy, understanding, and self-awareness when working through problems.  *Source – Google Tiny Rituals